Longsa is a village panchayat located in the Wokha district of Nagaland state,India. It is a picture postcard village, some 29 kms away from Mokokchung town, is hugely popular for its deep rooted cultures and traditions. It was recognized as a Green village in 2006 and is the only Ao village on the other side of Dikhu river.
Places to visit are Koralong stone, Dikhu green zone along with the one of the oldest church in Asia, watch towers for a brilliant bird eye view of the village. The native language of Longsa is English and most of the village people speak English. The village is home to 1452 people. Total 883 people in the village are literate, among them 423 are male and 460 are female. Longsa has 48% (699) population engaged in either main or marginal works.