Trashiyangtse Institute of Zorig Chusum was established on 2nd June 1997 in eastern Bhutan, under the then National Technical Training Authority (NTTA). It is located 2kms away from town of Thimphu and just above the general hospital. The institute was established mainly with the objective to promote and preserve the thirteen traditional arts and crafts skills of Bhutan and to facilitate increased access in learning Zorig skills by Bhutanese youths.
Commonly known as Arts & Crafts School or Painting School, the Institute offers a 6-year course on the 13 traditional arts and crafts of Bhutan. On a visit, one can see students learning the various skills taught at the school. Bhutan's government is genuinely interested in keeping Bhutan's rich history in its 13 art forms.
Sculpturing at the National Institute for Zorig Chusum, Thimphu
The National Institute for Zorig Chusum in Thimphu was created by the government to promote Bhutan's traditional contemporary art forms. The words "Zorig Chusum" literally means "Thirteen Crafts." The thirteen Bhutan art forms are: Traditional Painting, Sculpturing, Wood Carving, Calligraphy, Paper making, Bronze Casting, Embroidery, Weaving, Carpentry, Masonry, Bamboo & cane weaving, Gold/Silver Smithy and Black smithy.
The Institute has various classrooms with instructors who teach students these 13 art forms. After the students are taught these various art forms, they are then tested to determine their knowledge of these art forms. The items or goods that are made in the classrooms are being sold at the Institute's gift shop or "Showroom", and at various gift shops throughout Thimphu city.