Tales from Tsomgo Lake: Unraveling its Folklore

Author: TourGenie
Date: 2024-06-14

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The Folklore of Tsomgo Lake

Tsomgo Lake, also known as Changu Lake, is a glacial lake situated at an altitude of 12,400 feet in the East Sikkim district of India, approximately 40 kilometers from the capital city, Gangtok. This breathtaking lake, surrounded by rugged mountains and steep terrain, is not only a visual delight but also a site rich in folklore and legend.

A Lake Born of Divine Intervention

The origin of Tsomgo Lake is steeped in myth and mystery. According to local folklore, the lake was created by the gods to fulfill the prayers of a revered Buddhist monk. It is said that the monk, through his deep meditation and spiritual prowess, foresaw that a severe drought was imminent and would lead to suffering in the region. In response to his prayers, the gods commanded that the waters from the nearby glaciers flow into the valley to form a lake, providing a perpetual source of water.

The Serpent Guardian

Another popular legend speaks of a serpent deity that resides in the depths of Tsomgo Lake. The lake is believed to be the abode of this guardian spirit, which protects the local people and maintains the balance of nature in the region. The serpent deity is worshipped by the locals, who offer prayers and conduct rituals to appease it, especially during the festival of Guru Purnima. On this day, the lake's waters are considered particularly sacred, and pilgrims visit to perform religious rites and seek blessings.

The Mysterious Color Changes

Tsomgo Lake is known for its intriguing phenomenon of changing colors with the seasons, a trait that has given rise to several folk stories. In spring, the lake reflects hues of vibrant blue, which locals believe symbolize the calm and serene nature of the divine. During the winter months, the lake freezes, turning into a pristine white sheet of ice. The color changes are often interpreted by the locals as a sign of the lake's mood and the divine messages it conveys.

The Healing Powers

Local folklore also attributes healing powers to the waters of Tsomgo Lake. It is believed that the lake has therapeutic properties that can cure ailments and diseases. Villagers often collect the lake's water and use it for medicinal purposes, believing that it can heal both physical and spiritual maladies. This belief is intertwined with the lake's status as a sacred site, drawing people seeking solace and relief.

The Yak and the Monk

Another charming legend associated with Tsomgo Lake involves a yak and a Buddhist monk. It is said that a monk was traveling through the mountains when he encountered a yak in distress. The yak led him to a dry, barren valley and communicated its need for water through gestures. The monk, moved by compassion, prayed fervently, and soon, a spring erupted, filling the valley with water and creating Tsomgo Lake. This tale underscores the themes of compassion, divine intervention, and the harmonious relationship between humans and nature.

Cultural Significance

Tsomgo Lake holds immense cultural significance for the Sikkimese people. It is a major pilgrimage site and a popular destination for tourists. The lake is a symbol of purity and sanctity, and its serene environment provides a perfect setting for meditation and reflection. Festivals and rituals conducted at the lake strengthen the cultural fabric of the region, preserving ancient traditions and beliefs.


The folklore of Tsomgo Lake is a tapestry of myths and legends that reflect the rich cultural heritage and spiritual depth of Sikkim. Whether it's the tales of divine intervention, the serpent guardian, the lake's mysterious color changes, or its healing powers, these stories infuse Tsomgo Lake with a sense of mystique and reverence. For visitors and locals alike, the lake is not just a natural wonder but a sacred site that embodies the profound connection between nature, spirituality, and human life.


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